leave gracefully

When afternoon tea comes to a close, do not linger past the time indicated on your invitation. Even if everyone is having a wonderful time, do not overstay. Your host has spent many hours preparing the food before you arrived and will have to spend additional time cleaning up and putting all the serving pieces away. Doing the cleanup himself is part of the host’s gift of hospitality to his guests. For these, reasons, guests should remember the famous words from Ecclesiastes, “There is an appointed time for everything.” By inference, we can conclude that there is a time to arrive at the tea party and a time to leave. Out of politeness, your host will never ask you to leave. Therefore, you need to discern when it is time to go.
After everyone has finished eating all the sweets they want, look unobtrusively at your watch. If it is five or ten minutes after the party was scheduled to end, stand up and thank your host for a perfect afternoon. Mention at least two things that you really enjoyed and be sincere. Don’t be a hypocrite and rave about the anise scones. If you really enjoyed the almond biscotti, say so. You can also complement your host on some aspect of the setting, such as the flower arrangement. Then say goodbye to the host and all of the other guests, and take your leave.
On your way home, whether you are driving, walking or taking pubic transportation, take a few moments to relish the little pleasures of a civilized afternoon. Recall the thoughtful words that were said and the serenity of the setting. Linger in your memory on your favorite bites of food. Keep these lovely reflections alive and carry them with you into the evening and beyond.
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